Eyewitness to Space

In March 1962, Administrator of NASA James Webb suggested that artists be enlisted to document the historic effort to send the first human beings to the Moon.

Your search found 1,763 result(s).

The Glass Bank Object Konstantin Eduaridovich Tsiolkovsky Object Umbilicals Object Drawing, Felt Tip Pen on Paper Object TV Images of Apollo 16, EVA III Object Vehicle Assembly Building Near Completion Object The Saturn V and the Crawler Object Vehicle Assembly Building Tower and Launch Pads Object The Tracking Room Object Friday at the 'Mousetrap' Object Different Types of Collages II Object Apollo Simulator Object TV Catches the Circus Atmosphere. Apollo 17 Object The Apollo Spacecraft in Transfer Aisle of the Vehicle Assembly Building Object Prime Recovery Helo Gets Checked Out Object Motel Strip Object The Long Road Object NASA Photographer Jokes... Object Gemini Pad 19 Complex Object Scenes from Cocoa Beach Object Saturn V Launch Object Oiling the Tracks of the Crawler Object Flame Pit Object Apollo 7 first Saturn Apolo 13, April 1972 Object
Selected filters: Object Type: Works of art