Human Spaceflight

The Human Spaceflight collection spans decades of achievements from the first U.S. manned Mercury missions through Apollo, the Space Shuttle, and the International Space Station.

Your search found 55 result(s).

Knife, Astronaut Survival Object Fuel Cell, Gemini, Cutaway Object Mercury Friendship 7 Object Life Jacket with Camera Mirror, Glenn, Friendship 7 Object Mirror, Life Jacket, Glenn, Friendship 7 Object Kit, First Aid, Mercury, Glenn, Friendship 7 Object Camera, Leica, Spectrographic, 35mm, Glenn, Friendship 7 Object Camera, 35mm, Glenn, Friendship 7 Object Binoculars, Friendship 7 Object Rangefinder, Friendship 7 Object Viewfinder, Camera, Leica, Friendship 7 Object Space Food, Beef and Vegetables, Mercury, Friendship 7 Object Mercury Capsule 15B, Freedom 7 II Object Mercury Capsule Object Gemini VII Capsule Object Gemini Paraglider Research Vehicle 1-A with Wing Object Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia Object Rescue Net, Apollo 8 Object Apollo Lunar Sample Return Container (ALSRC), Apollo 11 Object Lunar Module LM-2 Object Indicator, Pressure, Fuel and Oxidizer Object Ammeter, Main Bus, Gemini Object Gauge, Ammeter, Main Bus Object Laser Ranging Retro-Reflector, Apollo Object
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