Human Spaceflight

The Human Spaceflight collection spans decades of achievements from the first U.S. manned Mercury missions through Apollo, the Space Shuttle, and the International Space Station.

Your search found 299 result(s).

Command Module, Apollo 6 Object Lunar Module Test Article, LTA-1A/11D Object Command Module, Apollo 9 Object Command Module, Apollo 13 Object Mockup, Lunar Module, Apollo, MSC-12 Object Command Module, Apollo 7 Object Mockup, Service Module, Apollo M-11 Object Command Module, Apollo, #002B Object Command Module, Apollo 14 Object Lunar Roving Vehicle, Mobility Test Article, Bendix Model Object Mockup, Capsule, Gemini Reentry Module Object Mockup, Lunar Module, Apollo Object Boilerplate, Command Module, Apollo, #25 Object Wheel, Lunar Rover Object Gemini TTV-1 Paraglider Capsule Object Lunar Roving Vehicle, Vibration Test Unit Object Lunar Roving Vehicle, #4 Object Boilerplate, Command Module, Apollo, #1210 Object Command Module, Apollo, #011A, AS-202 Object Alignment Optical Telescope, Lunar Module Simulator Object Extension, Fender, Lunar Roving Vehicle, Apollo17 Object Boilerplate, Command Module, Apollo, #1101A Object Boilerplate, Command Module, Apollo, #1220 Object Skylab Orbital Workshop Object
Selected filters: Media Usage: Not determined Object Type: Crewed spacecraft Set Name: National Air and Space Museum Collection Topic: Human spaceflight Topic: Outer space Clear All