Explore how Apollo program research helps inform our understanding of the Moon today

Watch the webcast on Air and Space Live or attend in person: 

7:30 pm           Meet the lecturer
8:00 pm           Lecture begins
9:00 pm           Stargazing in the Phoebe Waterman Haas Public Observatory, weather permitting

Fifty years ago, the Apollo missions revolutionized our understanding of our solar system. The surface explorations evolved from a small area around the Apollo 11 landing site to the broader traverses of the later missions. Over the past 10 years, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has collected a vast new lunar dataset that will enable detailed studies across the lunar surface. Join us as LRO project scientist Noah Petro shares perspectives on the Apollo landing sites and sheds new light on future explorations.

Noah Petro is a research space scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, where his research focuses on the evolution of the lunar crust, specifically the role of impact cratering in distributing material across the lunar surface. He uses remotely sensed data from multiple lunar missions, as well as data and samples collected by Apollo astronauts, to create a comprehensive picture of the Moon’s surface. 

This lecture is free but tickets are required. Reserve your tickets now.

To request an ASL interpreter, please email NASMPublicLectures@si.edu. We recommend that you submit your request for this event by May 8, 2019.

About the Exploring Space Lecture Series

The Old Moon and the New
Lunar samples and data from Apollo transformed our understanding not only of the Moon but of solar system science as a whole. To view the lunar surface is to look back through time, at terrains that record the story of the early development of the Moon and planets. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing, this series will explore what the Moon has taught us, what it continues to teach us, and what new windows it may yet open in science, technology, and exploration. Four distinguished speakers will look at lunar exploration with an eye toward yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

The Exploring Space Lecture Series is made possible by the generous support of Aerojet Rocketdyne and United Launch Alliance.

How to attend

National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC

6th St. and Independence Ave SW. Washington, DC 20560
Lockheed Martin IMAX Theater