It's 1924 and you're invited to join a team of American pilots as they attempt to be the first to fly airplanes around the world. Along the way, meet exotic creatures and charming people. You'll see hard working camels and clever crocodiles. You'll join dancers from Romania and applaud Sumo wrestlers from Japan. You'll discover that it's a wonderful, round world in which we live, and that there are many friends to meet. This puppet show, produced by Rainbow Puppet Productions, is based on the absolutely true tale of the pilots of the Douglas World Cruisers, who were the first to circle the globe. After the performance, see one of the original planes that made the expedition--it's on display right here in the Museum. 

Want to learn more about the Douglas World Cruisers? Check out National Air and Space Museum educator Tim Grove's recent children's book First Flight Around the World: The Adventures of the American Fliers Who Won the Race

How to attend

National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC

6th St. and Independence Ave SW. Washington, DC 20560