Col. Wolfgang Samuel will be at the Museum in Washington, DC signing copies of his books, available for purchase at the Museum store:
     NEW! In Defense of Freedom: Stories of Courage and Sacrifice of WWII Army Air Forces Flyers 
     American Raiders: The Race to Capture Luftwaffe's Secrets
     Coming to Colorado: A Young Immigrant's Journey to Become an American Flyer
     German Boy: A Child in War
     Glory Days: The Untold Story of the Men Who Flew the B-66 Destroyer into the Face of Fear
     I Always Wanted to Fly: America's Cold War Airmen
     The War of Our Childhood: Memories of World War II
     Watson's Whizzers: Operation Lusty and the Race for Nazi Aviation Technology

Several times a month, authors of aviation- and space-related books are at the National Air and Space Museum's two locations to sign books and meet the public. Autographed books make great mementos of your visit and terrific gifts for friends.

How to attend

National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC

6th St. and Independence Ave SW. Washington, DC 20560
Museum Store