Presented Online
Late in World War II, Nazi Germany deployed a series of exotic new weapons, including the world’s first jet fighter, rocket fighter, cruise missile, and ballistic missile. These deployments were foreshadowed by a campaign of hints and threats from the Propaganda Ministry about the coming “wonder weapons” that would change the course of a war. The actual effects were a lot less than hoped, but the combination of Nazi propaganda and Allied fear launched a myth of German wonder weapons that remains persistent to this day. Join us on Facebook Live as space history curator Michael Neufeld gives an overview of these weapons, their actual effects, and the mythology they launched.
Planning to attend in-person? Meet at the Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet at the Udvar-Hazy Center.
Every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. we will go live on the National Air and Space Museum Facebook page with an Ask an Expert talk. We’ll select a different aviation or space topic each week, and a Museum staff member will discuss the history, stories, or personalities related to a specific artifact or exhibition in the Museum. Tune in on Facebook Live each week to join the talk and ask our experts questions.
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