1. IMAX Movie, 2:00 pm, Free (1st Floor)
Watch a free showing of The Iron Giant. Pick up your tickets at the box office. While supplies last. 

2. Art Activity: Draw a UFO
Draw your idea of a UFO and share it with your family members. Are your drawings similar or different? Come back before leaving the museum and see if you would change anything on your drawing. 

3. Activity: Identifying UFOs
Work together as a team and put your investigative skills to use! In this activity, you'll be given a UFO mystery to solve using evidence and deduction. 

4. Spotlight Chat with SR-71 pilot, Buz Carpenter (10:00 am to 12:00 pm only)
Meet pilot Buz Carpenter and learn all about the SR-71 Blackbird, and why people might think it's a UFO if they were to see it in the sky. 

5. Discovery Station: Principles of Flight
Discover the forces of flight - weight, lift, thrust, and drag - and how they relate to aeronautics we are familiar with compared to unidentified aerial phenomena. 

6. Discovery Station: Vertical Wind Tunnel
Test out different shapes and weights of paper in our vertical wind tunnel. What do you observe? How do the different shapes and weights compare to each other wind put in the Wind Tunnel?

7. Space Shuttle Stage

10:00 am to 12:00 pm: Music and Songwriting with Dr. Jim Thorne
Listen to Dr. Jim Thorne, space scientist and musician, as he sings his songs about space and possible life on other planets. Join in the creative process as Dr. Jim leads a collaborative song writing session. 

1:00 pm to 2:00 pm: Live Chat about the History of UFOs
Join Museum educators and experts as they answer your questions about the history of unidentified and identified flying objects, especially in the world of aviation.