National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC
Free, Tickets Required
This program will be webcast on Air and Space Live.
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo missions to the Moon, the 2019 John H. Glenn Lecture in Space History will feature three outstanding women of that era whose work was essential to those remarkable achievements. Although in plain view in photos and among their peers, these women until recently have been relatively overlooked in public perceptions of the masculine nature of spaceflight in the 1960s and 70s.
These women were the first, and for some time the only, women in such leading roles during the audacious effort to send Americans to the Moon and bring them safely home. Apollo launched their careers, and was only the beginning.
Ellen Stofan, the John and Adrienne Mars Director of the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, will moderate a lively discussion among these trailblazing women and the audience to offer new perspectives on women’s history in the early U.S. space program.
Tickets are free but required. All new ticket requests are for overflow seating in the Albert Einstein Planetarium.
Join us after the lecture for stargazing in the Phoebe Waterman Haas Public Observatory from 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm.
The John H. Glenn Lecture in Space History is made possible by the generous support of Boeing.
We rely on the generous support of donors, sponsors, members, and other benefactors to share the history and impact of aviation and spaceflight, educate the public, and inspire future generations. With your help, we can continue to preserve and safeguard the world’s most comprehensive collection of artifacts representing the great achievements of flight and space exploration.
We rely on the generous support of donors, sponsors, members, and other benefactors to share the history and impact of aviation and spaceflight, educate the public, and inspire future generations. With your help, we can continue to preserve and safeguard the world’s most comprehensive collection of artifacts representing the great achievements of flight and space exploration.