In June, the summer vacation travel season begins, and June was also a time when several renowned women entered space for the first time. Valentina Tereshkova and Sally Ride launched twenty years apart, almost to the day, in June. Join curator Valerie Neal on Facebook Live for a brief space travelogue focused on some of the other women who journeyed into space in June.

Tune in on our Facebook page. 

Attending in person? Meet in the Moving Beyond Earth gallery.

Every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. we will go live on the National Air and Space Museum Facebook page with an Ask an Expert talk. We’ll select a different aviation or space topic each week, and a Museum staff member will discuss the history, stories, or personalities related to a specific artifact or exhibition in the Museum. Tune in on Facebook Live each week to join the talk and ask our experts questions.

How to attend
