Stories of daring, stories of technological feats, stories of prevailing against the odds ... these are the stories we tell at the National Air and Space Museum. Dive in to the stories below to discover, learn, and be inspired. 

Showing 911 - 920 of 1707

October 03, 2017 How Extreme Temperatures Affect Spacewalks Story | ISS Science

In the latest episode of ISS Science, Astronaut Randy Bresnik explains some of the challenges astronauts face during spacewalks including extreme temperatures. Then, we stimulate the effects of extreme temperatures on metals here on Earth.

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October 02, 2017 Join us for #AskAnArchivist on Twitter Story

Send questions to archivists from the National Air and Space Museum Archives on Twitter this October 4, during #AskAnArchivist!

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September 29, 2017 Rum Runners to Cocaine Cowboys: Barry Seal and the Legacy of Aerial Smuggling Story

The use of aircraft in smuggling was not simply a niche application, but a booming business through Prohibition and beyond, and one of the first drivers of aerial regulations.

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September 27, 2017 Meridiani Planum and the Search for Ice on Mars Story

If you’re going to Mars, which do you bring: water or a shovel? The question may sound a little tongue-in-cheek, but it actually goes right to the heart of a critical need for future human exploration of Mars – accessible water. Learn how the MARSIS instrument is helping answer this question. 

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September 26, 2017 The Challenge of Communication in Space Story | ISS Science

Communication is vitally important to astronauts while they are in space. Explore how experts communicate with the astronauts aboard the International Space Station in this week's STEM in 30.

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September 22, 2017 Dreams Soar: Inspiring Women in Aviation Story

Aviator Shaesta Waiz and her Dreams Soars, Inc, "Dream Team" promoted STEM education to girls from DC Metro Public Schools at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

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September 19, 2017 Flying Camps and Races for Women Are Aiming to Diversify the Aviation Scene Story

Ariel Tweto is a self-proclaimed adrenaline junkie, but getting her blood pumping isn’t the only reason she flies. Last month, Tweto flew for a purpose — to raise awareness about aviation — as she participated in her first air race, the Air Race Classic.

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September 15, 2017 Our Favorite Saturn Discoveries from Cassini  Story

At the end of the NASA Cassini spacecraft's 13-year mission, National Air and Space Museum scientists and educators are reflecting on what this mission has meant to them.

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September 14, 2017 Saying Goodbye to the Saturn-Exploring Cassini Story

I think it surprises a lot of people that a mission as successful as the Cassini-Huygens Mission would be terminated on purpose. Not just shutting the spacecraft off, but terminated with such style by sending it on a destructive dive into Saturn’s atmosphere. Cassini will burn up and be destroyed in a similar way that a meteorite is broken up in Earth’s atmosphere.

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September 12, 2017 Astronaut Shares How to Get to Space Story | ISS Science

Can you imagine your teacher being chosen to be a NASA astronaut? Students in Joe Acaba’s secondary math and science classes in Florida can. Acaba was one of 11 candidates selected for the 2004 astronaut class. The process to become an astronaut is one of the most competitive and highly selective processes in the world. Do you think you have what it takes?

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