Stories of daring, stories of technological feats, stories of prevailing against the odds ... these are the stories we tell at the National Air and Space Museum. Dive in to the stories below to discover, learn, and be inspired. 

Showing 981 - 990 of 1707

April 05, 2017 Disasters of the 20th Century Story

When the soldiers of Europe marched off to war in the late summer of 1914, most expected an adventure that would last mere weeks or months. By the end, in November 1918, millions had been consumed by four years of grinding, mechanized warfare. Casualties, military and civilian, numbered nearly 38 million—more than 17 million dead and 20 million wounded. The psychological and emotional toll was incalculable. Some of the stone carvings capture the enormity of the catastrophe.  

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April 05, 2017 Artist's Statement: Jeff Gusky Story

Over a period of several years, photographer Jeff Gusky made numerous excursions into a forgotten world of underground WWI soldiers' living spaces and documented the stone carvings of the soldiers with high-end art photography. 

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April 05, 2017 Lessons: What do the Artist Soldiers of WWI Teach Us? Story

The First World War was a profound turning point in history. The world of 1914 was a very different place from the one that emerged after four years of relentless global war involving millions of combatants and imposing hardship on countless civilians, from those whose towns and villages were on the front lines, to those distant from the battlefield.

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April 04, 2017 A Film About Bravado, Cowardice, and Redemption During WWI Story

The latest film in our Hollywood Goes to War: World War I on the Big Screen film series the story of the American Expeditionary Force’s arrival in France in World War I. Based on the real-life exploits of New York City’s 69th Infantry Regiment, The Fighting 69th features several real-life characters.

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April 03, 2017 Baseball in the Archives and Life in Cleveland Story

Today marks an important day in sports—the official first day of baseball season and the NCAA men’s basketball national championship game.

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March 31, 2017 Museum Unveils Declassified Roswell Artifact Story

The National Air and Space Museum has uncovered a new Roswell artifact that is sure to shed light on the events of 1947 and the age-old question, “Are we alone in the universe?”

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March 31, 2017 Women Guided the Way in the [Simulated] Sky During WWII Story

The U.S. Navy’s WAVES (Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service) were a notable legacy of World War II’s influence on the evolving gender norms of the later 20th century.

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March 30, 2017 The First Mixed-Gendered Cosmonaut Candidates Story

You may know of the first woman in space (Valentina Tereshkova) or the second (Svetlana Savitskaya). But do you know the name and the story of the third female cosmonaut? Elena Kondakova may have not been the first woman in space, but she was the first woman to enter the cosmonaut team-in-training program with male classmates. She set the precedent of mixed-gendered selections that exists in Russia today. 

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March 23, 2017 Ivan Ivanovich and the Persistent Lost Cosmonaut Conspiracy Story

Before humans flew into space, dogs, chimpanzees, and flight-test dummies led the way. Ivan Ivanovich, who flew in the Soviet Korabl-Sputnik program in the early 1960s, was one such dummy. In a heady atmosphere of Cold War tension, Soviet secrecy, and uncertainty about the dawning space age, garbled retellings of Ivan's extraordinary story helped foster one of the most tenacious Space Age conspiracy theories: The Lost Cosmonaut Theory.

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March 21, 2017 Cassini’s Grand Finale Story

The Cassini spacecraft has spent almost 13 years exploring the beautiful giant planet Saturn and its amazingly diverse moons. Cassini’s mission will end in September when it plunges into Saturn’s atmosphere, but it will leave behind a wealth of knowledge and wonder.

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