Stories of daring, stories of technological feats, stories of prevailing against the odds ... these are the stories we tell at the National Air and Space Museum. Dive in to the stories below to discover, learn, and be inspired. 

Showing 781 - 790 of 1707

June 25, 2018 Armistice and Peace: Victory Letters from WWI Story | From the Archives

Letters home from the front reveal the personal side of wars.  On Armistice Day, November 11, 1918, marking the end of World War I, many American soldiers serving abroad were instructed to write victory letters to their fathers. As we move towards the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day, a pair of victory letters from France and Connecticut illustrate a different understanding between home and the front, armistice and peace. 

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June 23, 2018 40 Years of (Triton) Summer Story

Other planets in our solar system experience seasons, too. On Triton, Neptune’s largest moon, seasons last an average of 40 years, complete with nitrogen snow. Here’s how Triton’s summer solstice compares to Earth’s.

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June 22, 2018 What an Accidental Discovery Told Us About Pluto Story

June of this year marks the 40th anniversary of the discovery of Pluto’s largest moon, Charon. At the time of Charon’s discovery, scientists weren’t even looking for it.

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June 21, 2018 Three Things to Know About Summer Solstice Story

Today is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Here are three things you might not know about the longest day of the year.

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June 20, 2018 Parker Solar Probe's Mission to Solve Stranger Things Story

Parker Solar Probe's mission to figure out three strange things that the Sun does.

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June 18, 2018 Women in Aerospace By the Numbers Story

On the 35th anniversary of Sally Ride's historic trip to space, a look at other groundbreaking women in aerospace.

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June 15, 2018 Bessie Coleman: Barnstorming Through Barriers Story

While Bessie Coleman never realized her dream of opening a flight school for African American pilots, her legacy as the first African American woman to earn a pilot’s license has impacted and inspired flight students for decades.

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June 14, 2018 AirSpace Ep.7:
Space Junk
Story | AirSpace Podcast

Space is a mess. At this moment, there are literally thousands of human-made objects cluttering up Earth orbit.  

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June 13, 2018 The 12,000 Hours That Made the USS Enterprise Model Story | Air and Space Photos

The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum has the world’s premier collection of aviation and space artifacts. Less well-known is that the museum also has an outstanding collection of aerospace models.

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June 12, 2018 #ALLCAPS and Aerospace Achievement Story

When a team accomplishes what, at times, seemed impossible, it becomes a victory for all—an entire city or country, or all humankind. We see this in milestones throughout aviation history, and we celebrate those shared victories throughout our Museum. And when a sports team brings a championship to a city that hasn’t seen one in 25 years, the whole city comes out to celebrate. 

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