Flights of Fancy Field Trip Pre and Post Visit Materials - Space Walk
A mixture of experiment and activites to expand learning on the Space Walk Storytime. Learn about space scientists and about the tools they use. The activities connect to Standards of Learning
Grade K, Grade 1, Grade 2
Astronomy, Moon (Earth), Solar System, Telescopes, Spaceflight
Geography From Space
Test your geography skills with the quizzes. Identify geographic locations on the Earth based on a satellite or aerial image and a brief clue.
Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 1, Grade 2
Physical science, Science, Solar System, Satellites
Por qu la gente tiene miedo de los tornados
Entender que los tornados son peligros relacionados con el clima. Entender las características de los tornados. Identificar las formas en que las personas pueden protegerse durante un tornado.
Grade 5, Grade 4, Grade 3, Grade 2, Grade 1, Grade K
Physical science