Back row from left to right: Robert A. Milton, Gregory L. McAdoo, Stuart L. Fred, Bruce R. McCaw, Donald W. Kirlin, John Suttle, Neil D. Cohen, Allan M. Holt, Steven VanRoekel, Morton Funger, Thomas F. Pumpelly, Orlando P. Carvalho, David M. Tolley, Shephard W. Hill, Roger D. Percy, Mark B. Dunkerley, T. Allan McArtor, Paul R. Wood, Scott C. Donnelly, H. Ross Perot, Jr., the John and Adrienne Mars Director Gen. John R. Dailey
Front row from left to right: Alain M. Bellemare, Jameson J. McJunkin, Meredith R. Siegfried, John L. Plueger, David L. Joyce, Ralph D. Heath, Thomas W. Haas, Dawne S. Hickton, Linda A. Mills, Robert L. James, Agnes M. Brown