According to the Smithsonian American Art Musuem:

Einar and Jamex de la Torre are brothers and glass artists. They made this wall sculpture after an Aztec calendar, a visual dating system adapted by many ancient Mesoamerican nations. The Spanish title translates to ​“Ohio Enjoy and More,” and, when pronounced, sounds like ​“Good Morning” in Japanese. It represents their humor, where the piece was made (Ohio), and their multifaceted view of people and time. 

The brothers gather countless motifs into a celebration of blended cultures: Kewpie dolls, with surprising objects in their bellies, invented in the early twentieth century by American Rose O’Neill and popularized in Japan; Mano poderosa (the all-powerful hand) from Mexican Catholic devotional imagery; sonrientes (grinning figures) from Mesoamerican ceramics; and golden tumis, ceremonial knives with semicircular blades, from the ancient Andean Moche culture. Casts of butterflies and insects symbolize transformation and migration.