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  • Capt Karl Ehresman Runkle
  • Capt Karl Ehresman Runkle

    Foil: 14 Panel: Retired United Pilots Association Column: 2 Line: 73

    Wall of Honor Level:
    Air and Space Friend

    Honored by:
    Ms. Carol A. Epstein

    Karl Ehresman Runkle 07/19/1919 - 09/07/2004. Karl Runkle "Runk" had an incredible 37 year career in aviation. A native of Schenectady, NY Karl joined United Airlines in 1942 after graduating from Williston Academy in Massachusetts and attending Iowa State University where he majored in engineering as his father had done. One day a representative was on campus to recruit eligible young men into United Airlines. Karl's interest w; immediate and he joined up in pursuit of a job that would become a lifelong career He told a story many times that one of his earliest and indeed most memorable and pleasurable jobs was training young women pilots during the war! Karl served as fir officer when he joined United Airlines. During World War II he flew military supply routes from the Pacific to the Aleutian Islands. He met his wife Mona, a stewardess for United and they married in 1947. Karl started his career in the DC-3 out of Chicago and quickly moved on to New York where he advanced to command each new jet introduced. In the 1960's during the Vietnam War he volunteered to fly personnel and supplies to Japan and Vietnam. He finished his career in the Boeing 747 as Captain, flying out of Los Angeles to Hawaii. During his career he served many Airline Pilot committees and spent several years as a flight manager in the New York area before retiring in 1979. He was a lifelong member of RUPA, Retire United Pilots Association. Karl and his wife Mona spent their retirement years traveling to Asia, the Mideast, and Europe. Karl with a group of fellow pilots helped to build and run the Mana Kai Maui resort in Hawaii. A resort originally catering only to airline personnel on holiday. It later became public and Karl served as a board of directors for many years. Flans UP FOREVER Grandpa!

    Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

    Foil: 14

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