Colonel Jason Smokin Cockrum
Colonel Jason Smokin Cockrum

Foil: 63 Panel: 3 Column: 1 Line: 112

Wall of Honor Level:
Air and Space Friend

Honored by:
Mallory Sharpe

Colonel Jason “Smokin” Cockrum is a USAF F-16 pilot hailing from Goldthwaite, Texas.
Col Cockrum was recruited to the U.S. Air Force Academy for football, and knew he wanted to be a pilot. Prior to, his loving grandmother Gladys helped him pay to take private lessons and get his private pilot’s license – increasing his love for aviation. The day he left for the Air Force Academy Prep school, friends and family gathered on the road at 3:30 AM with signs and cheers, wishing him good luck. However, Col Cockrum was not initially selected to be a pilot upon graduation. Instead, he began as a Navigator, flying aboard the C-130. While this was not his dream, he thought of the friends and family who stood cheering for him at home, and continued his quest for piloting. From 2000-2002, Col Cockrum went through the grueling course of undergraduate pilot training, and finished his F-16 Initial Flight Qualifications in 2002, becoming an Instructor Pilot at Spangdahlem AB, Germany. Col Cockrum’s career has taken him around the globe, from Texas to Germany, California to Korea, D.C. to Japan, and everywhere between. Throughout his career, Col Cockrum led combat forces in numerous contingency and combat operations including Operations Joint Force, Allied Force, Noble Eagle, and Iraqi Freedom. While his personal achievements are numerous, he finds the most pride in the achievements of those around him. This quality is evident in the time he takes to mentor and encourage both officer and enlisted personnel, in and out of his chain of command. Col Cockrum is a humble and selfless leader, whose attitude and character encourage and motivate everyone he meets. Army General Martin Dempsey has coined the phrase “Make it matter,” urging others to make their everyday actions count. Col Cockrum has embodied this phrase not only in his career, but in his life, with his intentional leadership, interpersonal development, and compassionate nature. His love for aviation has fostered his own career; his love for people has fostered countless others.
Col Cockrum’s greatest achievement is his family. His wife, Kristen, and their two daughters, Olivia and Ella stood strong and gracious throughout his career, never wavering in their support of his dreams.
Col Cockrum, from the men and women of the 35th Operations Group, Misawa AB, Japan – THANK YOU! For your leadership, dedication, and grace. “First In…Last Out!”
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams

Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

Foil: 63

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