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Wall of Honor Level: Air and Space Friend
Honored by:
William P. "Bill" Cutter and Virginia Cutter are the real aviation pioneers of the great Southwest. This episode began in a dusty plane hangar in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1928. Or you might say it all started with a Governor's daughter and a dusty little hangar.
Richard Dillon was governor of New Mexico in 1928. His daughter, Virginia, wanted to take flying lessons. The Dillon's finally located a young barnstormer who gave flying lessons. His name was William P. "Bill" Cutter. The flying lessons went well and Virginia soon had her pilot's license. She also got a marriage license out of the deal from Bill Cutter. Later that same year, Bill and Virginia founded Cutter Flying Service and worked out of a dusty hangar at the old Albuquerque Airport, which is now, one of the oldest FBOs in the country.
"In those early days, Dad gave flying lessons, did charter flying, handled repair and maintenance work and was involved with civilian pilot training." Says William R. "Bill" Cutter, son of the founder and current Chairman of the Board. The company survived the depression, and at the outbreak of World War II, Cutter became a major pilot training facility for the military. "Later, he conducted training for naval pilots, taught glider schools during World War II and trained a number of pilots for various Central and South America Air Forces." The Navy designated our company as a Naval Aerobatics school as well.
In 1947, the company began its affiliation with Beech Aircraft Corporation. A quality product was now represented by a quality organization, our company was and continues to be synonymous with Beechcraft.
Bill R. Cutter, who started in the business by sweeping out the hangar for his Mom and Dad, says a close friendship with an old barnstorming buddy, eventually led to Bill Cutter's association with Phillips 66. Cutter is now the oldest Phillips 66 product dealer in the country.
Bill P. Cutter passed away in 1963. Virginia followed in 1985. But the William P. Memorial Building at the Albuquerque International Airport is a tribute to their pioneering efforts in the aviation industry.
Today, the Cutter operation has grown considerably. Cutter Aviation Phoenix, Inc. first opened its doors in 1959; followed by the opening of Cutter Aviation El Paso in 1982; Cutter Aviation Deer Valley in November 1997; Cutter Aviation San Antonio in September 1998; and Cutter Aviation Santa Monica in January 2000. The company and its people cover the Southwest. Together they make up the network that provide the Raytheon Aircraft (Beechcraft) sales and service expertise. The company represents New Piper Aircraft and Aviat Aircraft as well.
Three generations of family and associates have been helping business aircraft owners and operators ever since. Most of the Cutter family is active in the business. Bill Cutter is Chairman of the Board, daughter, Kathryn Cutter is Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, and son William W. "Will" Cutter is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.
Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.