Doris Hurt Powers
Doris Hurt Powers

Foil: 27 Panel: 4 Column: 2 Line: 7

Wall of Honor Level:
Air and Space Sponsor

Honored by:

Born: January 17, 1927

Flying History:
November 1942 1st lesson at age 15
January 1943 Solo flight #S491399 at age 16
August 1945 Private #120239 at age 18
September 1946 Commercial #120239 at age 19
September 1947 Flight Instructor CFI120239 at age 20

Ground Instructor Ratings: #225987
October 1945 Navigation at age 18
October 1945 Engines at age 18
January 1946 Aircraft at age 18

Radio Operator license: July 1947 at age 20
Education: 1949 BS Air Transportation, Purdue University at age 22

Was a flying instructor for a number of years and rose to the rank of Major in the Civil Air Patrol, serving as Education Officer, ground instructor, flight instructor and check pilot. Was active in 99’s for a number of years and was President of the El Paso, TX 99’s in 1950’s.

Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

Foil: 27

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