Foil: 34 Panel: 1 Column: 1 Line: 24
Wall of Honor Level: Air and Space Leader
Honored by:
ORDWAY, FREDERICK IRA, III, educator, consultant, researcher, author; b. N.Y.C., Apr. 4, 1927; s. Frederick Ira and Frances Antoinette I (Wright) 0.; m. Maria Victoria Arenas, Apr. 13, 1950; children: Frederick Ira IV, Albert James, Layette Marisol. SB, Harvard, 1949; postgrad., U. Alger, 1950, U. Paris, France, 1950-51, 53-54, U. Barcelona, Spain, 1953, U. Innsbruck, Austria, 1954, Air U., 1952-63, Alexander Hamilton Bus. Inst., 1952-58, Ends. Coll. Armed Forces, 1953, 63; DSc (hon..), U. Ala. 1992. Various geol., angering. positions Mane Grande Oil Co.,: San Tome, Venezuela, 1949-50, Orinoco Mining Co., Cerro Bolivar, Venezuela, 1950, (1 Reaction Motors, Inc., Lake Denmark, NJ., 1951-53; with guided missiles divan. Republic Aviation Corp., 1954-55; pres. Gen. Astronautics Research Corp., Huntsville, Ala., 1955-59, 65-66; v.p. Nat. R&D Corp., Atlanta, 1957-59; asst. to dir. Saturn Systems Office, Army Ballistic Missile Agy., Huntsville, 1959-60; chief space information systems br. George C. Marshall Space Flight Center NASA, 1960-64; prof. sci. and tech. applications Sch. Grad. Studies and Rsch., U. Ala. Rsch. Inst., 1967-73; cons. Sci. and Tech. Policy Office, NSF, 1974-75; cons. ops. analysis divsn. Gen. Rsch. Corp., 1974-75; asst. to adminstr. ERDA, 1975-77; Dept. Energy, 1977-94, policy/ internat. affairs dir. spl. projects office, cons., 1994—; also participant internat. energy devel. program Office of Asst. Sec. Internat. Affairs, Dept. Energy, 1978-79; cons, to industry, Ency. Britannica, Am. Coll. Dictionary of English Lang., M.G.M. film 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1965-66, Paramount Picture Corp., The Adventurers , 1968-69; internat. lectr. space flight and energy programs. Author: (with C.C. Adams) Space Flight, 1958, (with Ronald C. Wakeford) International Missile and Spacecraft Guide, 1960, Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology, 1962, (with J.P. Gardner, M.R. Sharpe, Jr.) Basic Astronautics: Conquering the Sun's Empire, 1963, Life in Other Solar Systems, 1965, (with Roger A. MacGowan) Intelligence in the Universe, 1966, (with W. von Braun) History of Rocketry and Space Travel, 1966, 1969, 75, L'Histoire Mondiale de l'Astronautique, 1968, 70, Rockets Red Glare, 1976, (with C.C. Adams, M.R. Sharpe) Dividends from Space, 1972, ( Pictorial Guide to Planet Earth, 1975, (with W. von Braun) New Worlds, 1979, (with M.R. Sharpe) The Rocket Team, 1979, (with F.C. Durant and s R.C. Seamans) Between Sputnik and the Shuttle, 1981, (with E.M. Emme) Science Fiction and Space Futures, 1982, (with von Braun, Dave Dooling) Space Travel: A History, 1985, (with Emst Stuhlinger) Wernher von Braun: Aufbrach in den Weltraum, 1992, Wemher von Braun: Crusader for Space (2 vols.), 1994, revised 1996, also single vol! edition, 1996, (with Randy Liebermann) Blueprint for Space, 1992, Visions of Spaceflight, 2001; editor: Advances in Space Science and Technology, vols. I-XU, 2 supplements, 1959-72, (with R.M.L. Baker, N.W. Makemson) Introduction to Astrodynamics, 1960, (with others) From Peenemunde to Outer Space, 1962, Astronautical Engineering and Science, 1963; mem. editorial bd.: (with others) IX Intemat. Astronautical Congress procs., 2 vols, 1959, Xth Congress procs., 2 vols, 1960; guest editor: Acta Astronautica, 1985, 94, History ] of Rocketry and Astronautics, Vol. IX, 1989, Digital book Mars: Target for , Tomorrow Microsoft Network & Internet, 1996; Co-creation of biographical ; Film " He Conquered Space", Discovery channel, 1996, History of Astronautics Video, 1996, inter-active CD Rom, 1997, revised, 2001, interactive ( CD ROM and video versions) Mars: Past, Present, Future, 1998; contbr. (with others) numerous articles to profl. jours., U.S. and fgn. encys., chpts. to books, sects, to others; organizer Blueprint for Space exhbn., 1991-95, U.S. Space and Rocket Ctr., IBM Gallery of Sci. and Art, NASA Vis. Ctr„ Houston, Spaceport USA, Cape Canaveral, Fla., Nat. Air and Space Mus., Washington, Va. Air and Space Ctr., exhibit Shaping The Vision contributions Art Inst. Chgo., 2001, Bruce Mus. Art and Scis., 2001, Hampton and numerous others. Served with USNR, 1945. Recipient (with W. von Braun) diplome d'honneur French Commn. d'Histoire, Arts et Letters, Paris, 1969; commended for contbns. to U.S. Space and Rocket Ctr., Ala. Space Sci. Exhibit. Fellow AAAS, AIAA (history com. 1975—, internat. activities com. 1980-89, 2003 Centennial of Flight Ctr. 1998—, select com. hons. and awards 1996— Pendray award 1974, Hermann Obvert award 1977), Brit. Interplanetary Soc.; mem. Intenat. Acad. Astronautics (history of astronautics com. 1983—, chmn. 1989-95, space activities and soc. com. 1986—, peer rev. com. 1985—, co-recipient Luigi Napolitano Lit. award 1992), Am. Astron. Soc. (Emme award 1994, Nat. Space Club award 1997), Brit. Interplanetary Soc. (guest editor Jour. British Interplanetary Soc. 1992-96), Nat. Space Soc. (bd. dirs. 1986-95, mem. pubis, com. 1987-88, nominating com. 1990-92, bd. govs. 1997—, Ctr. for Lunar Rsch. com. 1998—), Royal Soc. Arts, Mfrs. and Commerce, Eurasian Acad. Scis., Cosmos Club (bd. mgmt. 1986-91), v.p. 1988-90), Arthur C. Clarke Found. U.S. (bd. dirs. 2000—), Harvard Club N.Y., Washington Golf and Country Club, Huntsville Racquet Club. E-mail): Fax: 703-524-5856. Home and Office: 2401 N Taylor, St Arlington VA 22207-4021 also: 3423 Lookout Dr. SE Huntsville AL 35801
Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.
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