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  • Dr. Luis Alberto Ambroggio Lutereau
  • Dr. Luis Alberto Ambroggio Lutereau

    Foil: 25 Panel: 2 Column: 1 Line: 21

    Wall of Honor Level:
    Air and Space Sponsor

    Honored by:

    Poet, pilot and entrepreneur, Dr. Ambroggio Lutereau made his name in the aviation industry as the CEO and Director of AIM Group and GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS, Washington, D.C. metropolitan area companies engaged in the manufacture and logistic support of many aircraft types from the old DC-3 to the Vietnam-era A-4 Skyhawk, F-5 Tiger, C-130 transports, F-18, Sikorsky helicopters, and other systems.

    Dr. Ambroggio Lutereau holds a MBA from Virginia Tech, an MA from the Catholic University of America, a PhD, and is an alumnus of the Georgetown School of Business' International Finance and Global Market Program. Dr. Ambroggio Lutereau is listed in Who is Who in Business and has been honored by Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the Prince William County Board of Supervisors.

    Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

    Foil: 25

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