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  • Edward S. Skompski MSGT/RET
  • Edward S. Skompski MSGT/RET

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    Wall of Honor Level:
    Air and Space Sponsor

    Honored by:
    Mr. J David Hill

    Ed was the son of Polish immigrants born and raised in Western Pennsylvania outside of Pittsburgh. Born into a mining family he was raised with a strong work ethic, a love for family and a love of this wonderful country. He always had an affinity for electrical systems and engineering and after High School made a life defining decision to join the United States Air Force and to become an Avionics Technician. This decision provided him with a lifelong career he loved, provided the means for meeting the love of his life Lurine Skompski, and would provide his children Deb and Ed with an incredible childhood and life.

    Working with avionics during the early 50’s Ed worked on the F-86 Saber both here at home and overseas in Okinawa. This work would be short lived as he was soon given the opportunity to join a program for a new interceptor called the F-106 Delta Dart. This Convair aircraft added to the Air Force Inventory the late 1950’s would define his career and legacy. “Ski” as he was known, would work with the “Six” throughout the balance of his career through retirement from active duty in 1976, and continuing through his 5 years of Civil Service leading up to his death in 1981. His relationship with the F-106 was truly a lifetime love and partnership. This revolutionary aircraft gave him many opportunities, none more important than to work with new technologies through the 475th Test Squadron at Tyndall AFB Florida. During his time with the 475th he worked with F-106 airframe 8-0795 as a test-bed aircraft for new technologies including Heads-Up Display (HUD) technology, weapons testing, and armament. This testing led to new technologies and improvements for future aircraft and aviators.

    This honor is presented to the man we love and miss so much by his family. Thank you pop for everything you gave us…. your love, your humor, and for instilling in us a love for this wonderful country. Thank you for your service.

    Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

    Foil: 30

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