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  • George John Walters Sr.
  • George John Walters Sr.

    Foil: 28 Panel: 2 Column: 1 Line: 12

    Wall of Honor Level:
    Air and Space Sponsor

    Honored by:
    Dr. George J. Walters Jr.

    I was employed with Glenn L. Martin Co. and Martin Marietta Corp. from 1937 to 1977. Most of my employment was in supervisory positions in electrical assembly and installations. The following is the type of aircraft I worked on, with approximate dates: 1937 B10B, WH3, Model 167 Maryland, 1940 A-30 Baltimore, 1938 PBM-1, 1939-1944 B26 Marauder, 1943 AM-1 Mauler, 1939 AM-1 Mercator, 1944 JRM MARS, 1953 PSM-2 Marlin; Had charge of wiring the last 135 aircraft, 1946 PCM-5A Amphibian Mariner, 1964 Gemini Launch Vehicle, 1951-1957

    Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

    Foil: 28

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