James L. Pearce
James L. Pearce

Foil: 40 Panel: 3 Column: 1 Line: 12

Wall of Honor Level:
Air and Space Leader

Honored by:

* WWII Navy Carrier based Fighter Ace
* Navy Test Pilot during the introduction of jet propulsion
* North American Aviation, Inc. Chief Test Pilot and Manager of Engineering Flight Test
* Director of Test Operations, NAA, the manufacturer of the Command and Service Modules, during the Apollo Lunar Exploration Program
* Military Awards: Asiatic Pacific Medal with 7 Stars
Presidential Unit Citation with 2 Stars
Air Medal with 5 Stars
Distinguished Flying Cross with 3 Stars
* Honors: Member, American Fighter Aces
: Fellow and Past President, Society of Experimental Test Pilots
: Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautica and Astronautics
: Initial Awardee, Society of Experimental Test Pilot Doolittle Award
: Member, U.S.Navy Golden Eagles
: One of the group of 8 Test Pilots initially installed in the Carrier Aviation Test Pilots Hall of Honor aboard the USS Yorktown

Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

Foil: 40

Foil Image Coming Soon

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