John M. Allen USAF
John M. Allen USAF

Foil: 22 Panel: 2 Column: 2 Line: 3

Wall of Honor Level:
Air and Space Sponsor

Honored by:
Mr. John M. Allen II

John M. Allen's involvement with air and space has spanned a lifetime, beginning with his Navy tour during WWII flying in the TBS Torpedo Bomber as a radioman/gunner. After the war, he completed his engineering degree, joined the workforce, and almost immediately got called back to the service as the action in Korea heated up. This time it was in the Air Force, starting out as a communications officer, and ending up as an instructor delivering special weapons training to the 306th Bomb Wing.
During the years following his discharge, John worked on a variety of projects for different companies. Some of these included the guidance system for the NIKE Ground-to-Air Missile used to intercept high-flying bombers; the target acquisition radar for the Falcon Air-to-Air Missile used for long-range dog fighting by the Air Force; and radar control on the NIKE II Missile.
Next was Pershing Missile R&D, where he designed and managed the system engineering test lab for developmental testing and contractual compliance. After a brief stint working on R&D of PCM Telemetry/Satellite Check-out Systems, he settled into a longer term project in the Minuteman ICBM R&D Flight Test Program. There he was Test Supervisor for aH phases of assembly, silo testing, launch operations and flight test of Minuteman missiles.
The Surveyor Moon Lander Project provided a slight change of focus, engaging John in Launch Operations for the Atlas-Centaur booster; likewise with the next assignment, when he worked on Launch Facilities Requirements for the Apollo booster.
Following this, he took the role of Assistant Project Manager for the Upgrade of 407L Tactical Communications and Aircraft Control Project. Successful completion fulfilled a high-priority need in Vietnam for airspace control.
There were many other subsequent assignments including DD963 Destroyer ship systems and SOSUS Undersea Surveillance communication and control systems, but John's final large project assignment prior to retiring was as the Project Manager for the SAC Command Center Upgrade.
This was a new Command Center, utilizing aH new technology, built 800 feet underground, adjacent to the old one, for SAC communication and control. One hallmark of this enormously successful project was completing the build-out without hindering ongoing command and control operations, followed by the seamless transition of all personnel and equipment.

Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

Foil: 22

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