Larry David Ivy
Larry David Ivy

Foil: 28 Panel: 3 Column: 1 Line: 17

Wall of Honor Level:
Air and Space Sponsor

Honored by:
Clorene A. Glass

Larry David Ivy was the son of David Andrew Ivy and Mary Delphia McDowell (Doris Ivy). Larry was very fond of airplanes. He liked to watch them rev up and take off and land. He loved crop dusters, and flew in a Cessna more than once. He also loved going over large arched suspension bridges (latticed bridges) over large bodies of water.
Larry loved to ride on trains, too. He liked the feel of it as it pulled out, and the noise that it makes. He liked semis and all other forms of big trucks. If something was big or loud or fast, Larry loved it.
Larry liked watching, water-skiers being pulled by speedboats, and the sounds a motorcycle makes when it’s revving up its motor. Most of all Larry had a great love for animals. He loved to pet horses and his favorite pet was a dog named Mr. Duff.
Larry enjoyed traveling with his mother and father (David and Dephia Ivy) all over the United States sight-seeing and eating out. He really loved different cultures and foods, but was especially fond of southern cooking. He loved both bluegrass and country music, but his favorite was gospel. The banjo was his favorite instrument.
Last but not least, Larry had a genuine warm and friendly smile that got everyone’s attention. Larry loved church and very seldom missed a service. He was a hand shaker and loved to shake hands with others and it made no difference to him if they were white, black, red – whatever. Larry was very friendly and had a warm personality that was infectious, and got everyone else in a good mood.
We will all miss Larry, and the joy and happiness he gave to us all.
In loving memory- Larry David Ivy.

Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

Foil: 28

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