Larry Teufel
Larry Teufel

Foil: 27 Panel: 2 Column: 2 Line: 27

Wall of Honor Level:
Air and Space Sponsor

Honored by:

Larry Teufel was born to fly ion April 17,1956. He became a private pilot at age 17. Larry was flying a Piper-Tripacer at the time. His enthusiasm for flying quickly led to the purchase of a Balanca scout. Over the years Larry has owned and operated Helio Couriers, a Helio Stallion, a Cessna 415, Aerospaciale Gazelle helicopters, and a Piper Cheyenne 11. He currently owns and operates a Piper Cheyenne 111A and a 1939 Grumman Goose, which he fully restored. Larry's restoration of a Turbine Goose is scheduled for completion in Fall of 2004. Larry has logged over 10,000 hours to date. He is rated Commercial Pilot Airplane Multiengine Land and Sea, Instrument Airplane, and Private Pilot Airplane Single Engine Land and Sea, Instrument Airplane, and Private Pilot Airplane Single Engine Land and Sea, Rotorcraft-Helicopter. Larry's lifetime love of aviation has taken him from the Aleutians to the Caribbean, from Canada's far North to Mexico, making for many family adventures and friendships along the way.

Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

Foil: 27

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