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  • Maj Gen Lawrence C. Ames USAF
  • Foil: 13 Panel: 3 Column: 4 Line: 81

    Wall of Honor Level:
    Air and Space Friend

    Honored by:

    Lawrence Coffin Ames
    b. Feb. 9,1897, W. Newton, MA, d. May 6,1981, Oakland, CA.
    Dad was an aviator (1917-1975) and a stockbroker (1926-1981); X?; Q.B.; Life Member since 1948 in the St.Moritz Tobogganing Club and active Cresta rider from 1948 thru 1977. WW I: American Field Ambulance Service, S.S.U.68 for 6 mo. (AFS/AEF with Engage Voluntaire medal); American Red Cross for another six months of ambulance driving; French Air Service for flight training, brevet d'aviateur militaire with commendation; Air Services of U S Army Signal Corps (Champagne, Oise, Aisne, Somme); 1918-1948: U S Army Air Corps Reserve (30 years); WWII: U S Air Force Major General: Army Industrial College, Western Procurement Dist., War Department General Staff (France, England, Germany), Observer with 5th Marine Division (Iwo Jima, Philippines, South Pacific); 1946-1952: California Air National Guard, Chief of Staff for Air; Founder and Commander, 61st Fighter Wing; 1952-1957: Dept. of Defense Reserve Forces Policy Board.
    With regard to the above "1926-1981" note, those fifty-five years did have an amusing evolution: at Weeden & Co. Dad was a 'Bond Salesman'; at Irving Lundborg & Co. Dad was a 'Stock Broker'; after the merger with Clark Dodge & Co. he became an 'Account Executive', and after the final merger into Kidder Peabody & Co. he was known as an 'Investment Manager'.

    Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

    Foil: 13

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