Major Dean J Rasdall USAF RET

Foil: 11 Panel: 2 Column: 4 Line: 47

Wall of Honor Level:
Air and Space Friend

Honored by:
Mr. Carl Wilson

?»?Major Dean J Rasdall graduated Emporia State in Kansas and enlisted in the Air Force on 23 October 1984. After basic training at Lackland Air Force Base where he was an honor graduate he attended Personnel Specialist Course at Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi. Completing his course there as an honor graduate he went to Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center at Lowry Air Force Base in Colorado for special duty assignment as Manning Control Specialist. While assigned to ARPC he was selected to attend Officers Training School. Completing OTS in July 1987 the then 2nd Lieutenant returned to Lowry AFB for Aircraft Munitions Officer Course.
His next duty assignment was to Wurtsmith Air Force Base in Michigan working as Officer in Charge of Weapons Storage Area and as Officer In Charge of Air Launch Missile Maintenance. His next tour took him to United States Logistics Group at Ankara Air Station in Turkey. In January of 1990 as the Chief, Munitions Support Squadron Liaison and Chief of Munitions supporting four Munitions Support squadrons and eleven collocated operating bases. While in Turkey he also served as Chief of Customs He also did Operation Provide Comfort during the Kurdish Relief Effort.
Arriving at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in 1992 he worked in the four maintenance squadrons as Flight Commander in both the Maintenance and Accessory Flights; and in the 335th Fighter Squadron performing three rotations in Southwest Asia. He ended his tour at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base as the Squadron Maintenance Officer for the 335th Fighter Squadron .
His next duty was Mountain Home Air Force Base in 1995. He served as the Assistant Maintenance Supervisor, and then Maintenance Supervisor of the 336th Maintenance squadron, Maintenance Supervisor of the recently stood-up 366th Equipment Maintence Squadron.
In 1998 he was assigned to Shepard Air Force Base where he assumed his duty in the 362nd Training Squadron as Flight Commander, Maintenance Management Flight. August of 1999 he took over as Operations Officer for the 364th Training Squadron.
His next tour of duty was to Headquarters United States Air Force in Europe as Deputy Chief, Weapons Safety Division. While there he positively impacted explosive safety policy thru out the European Theater. He also supported Operation Iraqi Freedom working Munitions Logistics at the Headquart

Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

Foil: 11

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