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  • Mildred Majel Dinsmore Wallace
  • Mildred Majel Dinsmore Wallace

    Foil: 27 Panel: 2 Column: 2 Line: 16

    Wall of Honor Level:
    Air and Space Sponsor

    Honored by:
    Ms. Judith Tillson


    We are so glad you all were able to make this celebration. We'd like to introduce the family and then Judy and I would like to share a few remembrances of our lives with Auntie Mildred.

    Family members present are: brother Harold, sister-in-law Florence, nieces Judy & Carole, great-nephews David (and fiancée Barbara) & Michael, cousins Hilde & Bob.

    Now Judy and I would like to share some of our memories about our Auntie Mildred: she was born in Los Angeles on November 23, 1910 to William and Gertrude Osterloh. She has one brother who is 5 years younger (that's Harold), whom she says she adored as they were growing up - and says she still does! She says they never fussed or had words between them, but maybe we should ask Harold too. One little bit of family trivia is that I was an adult before I realized that Dad was Auntie Mildred's younger brother - I had always heard reference to him as her older brother!

    Auntie Mildred's greatest enjoyment in life was traveling and having the opportunity to see the world. I remember as a kid she would always bring us back great souvenirs from countries we would hear about in school, countries that were very far away - one of her trips to France where she went to the top of the Eiffel Tower and remembers how beautiful the view of Paris was. She also climbed the leaning tower of Piazza, and viewed New York from the Empire State Bldg. and the New York Harbor and skyline from the Statue of Liberty.

    Auntie Mildred has always been good about documenting her travels, and has many photo albums she has shared with us over the years.

    One of the most unbelievable sights for her was Machu Picchu - the place of the Incas. High in the mountains of South America. She has climbed the pyramids of Egypt and has ridden the camels. She has visited six of the most wonderful cities of the world: Rome, Tokyo, New York, Hong Kong, London and Paris.

    She has told us about her three most beautiful night sights: the Acropolis in Greece, the Alhambra in Spain and the Taj Majal in India, all with special night lighting.

    In 1990 she saw the Passion Play in Oberamagon, Germany, and visited Berlin right after the wall came down. Berlin and Bangkok are noted as the most sinful cities & she has visited both of them!

    She has cruised the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Greek Islands and has visited most of the capitals of Europe, Alaska and Mexico.

    She says the best food is in the Islands, and Auntie Mildred would know about that, and she also said the best nude beaches are in Martinique and St. Martens but I don't know how she would know about that.

    She found the Bahamas, Paradise Island and El Casine in Freeport a great place to gamble, and has visited Monaco Casinos - but still feels that Las Vegas is much more fun and better action -that's quoting her!!!

    She spent her 46th birthday in Rio de Janeiro, her 75th birthday in Sydney, Australia, and her 79th birthday on a cruise to Mexico.

    One of the real foreign countries Auntie Mildred would visit frequently was Hawaii, where her best lady friend lived. She visited Hawaii 26 times in 50 years.

    She learned to fly a small Taylor-craft plane in 1941 and told us how she piloted the planes from the factory to the training field for the pilots. Then in 1942 joined "Women Flyers of America" - Jacklyn Cochran pinned her pin on Auntie Mildred in New York at the Barbizon Hotel. Her dream was to be another Jacklyn Cochran, but due to medical problems that prevented her from flying, life didn't allow her to fly.

    Another fond memory we have is of Auntie Mildred's dance studio. The theme was "walk in, and dance out." Judy & I did many dance recitals, one of our favorites was "buttons & bows." (we will spare you from a demonstration ...)

    She and Uncle Ralph had a wonderful trip to China when China was reopened for tourists. They also spent a month in New Zealand and Australia, and enjoyed three trips to Hawaii. They spent their honeymoon in Toronto, 1975 - Ralph's birthplace, and they enjoyed Niagara Falls. We all miss Ralph since his passing in 1992.

    Auntie Mildred enjoys her ladies clubs, stays busy doing charitable work and being active in the community, that's what keeps her so young, and that's what makes her out Auntie Mildred. Her current adventure is learning about her new computer - and I'm sure we will soon see her surfing the internet.

    In closing, Judy & I would like to let Auntie Mildred know that she is loved, honored, and respected for who she is and what she has done. She is an elder among us, a wise one, one who has seen what we have-not-yet-seen. Teach us, that we might all be more, and see more.

    We wish you well, we wish you peace and we wish you joy.

    We are blessed by your presence, and may the generations behind you receive strength and comfort from you. We are grateful to know you. We love you.

    Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

    Foil: 27

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