Mr. Joseph A. Mangiapane
Mr. Joseph A. Mangiapane

Foil: 26 Panel: 2 Column: 2 Line: 25

Wall of Honor Level:
Air and Space Sponsor

Honored by:

In 1943, at the age of seventeen, Joseph A. Mangiapane enlisted in the Army Air Corps as an Aviation Cadet. Was called to active duty on January 26, 1945. After Basic Training at Kessler Field, Mississippi, he began Aircraft and Engine Mechanics School, as the Cadet Flight Training Program ended. Served in the United States Air Force in Europe until December 1946 when he returned to the United States and received an Honorable Discharge.
Returned to Fordham University in the Bronx, New York where he graduated in June 1950, receiving a B.S. degree in Physics. Was selected for the original design and development team of the F-105 Fighter-Bomber at Republic Aviation Corporation and collaborated in the preparation of the first computer program developed for analyzing swept-back, multi-spar wing structures.
At Aerojet-General Corporation, he was Section Head in charge of Special Projects and participated in the development of the Minuteman, Polaris and other missile systems. He also conceived, planned and directed the preparation of the Structure Manual for the Solid Rocket Plant which contained: Design Criteria, Methods of Analysis and Summaries of Computer Programs.
At Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Company, he supervised the design analysis of aircraft gas turbine engines and advanced energy conversion systems including fuel cells, which were developed for the successful Apollo Space Mission, and the early development of materials, refractory ceramics in particular, and stress analysis techniques for the design of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) power systems. Directed the component development of cooled turbine engine hardware and the development and evaluation of beryllium, high strength titanium and steels, super alloys, refractory materials and both the boron and graphite reinforced composite materials for application to aircraft gas turbine engine structures. Collaborated in the development of gas turbine engines for both commercial and military aircraft.
Founder and President of Joseph A. Mangiapane & Associates, Inc., Applied Mechanics Consultants. Major clients were: Westinghouse Electric Corporation; Hughes Aircraft Company; Martin Marietta Corporations; USBI Booster Production Company; and Harris Corporation. He is subject of biographical record in: Who’s Who in Aviation and Aerospace, Who’s Who in Finance and Industry, Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World.

Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

Foil: 26

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