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  • Mr Leslie Samuel Amison Jr
  • Foil: 13 Panel: 4 Column: 4 Line: 105

    Wall of Honor Level:
    Air and Space Friend

    Honored by:

    Elected to the International Poetry Hall Of Fame 7 times, nominated Poet Of The Year for the world, Mr. Leslie Samuel Charles Amison, Junior, USMCR sees America's first line of defense as a massive peace keeping effort; so that, America's soldiers can be awarded medals for keeping the peace = living for the United States Of America.

    Les has designed a radical departure heavy duty air cruiser plus fleshed out the designs for a ground, water, air and spaceship with a radical departure centrifugal engine to propel them, based upon Newtonian physics, as expressed in Isaac Asimov?’'s physics text. But, constantly hobbled, cut down at the knees by poverty and back-stabbers, Les has failed to see his designs reach the fruition of reality. Likewise, Les has better germinating ideas; which remain untested. Having attended the ivy league and many colleges (working many jobs), Les envisions his concluding work, as thanking and honoring and celebrating his United States Marine Corps brothers; who paid the ultimate sacrifice for America.

    Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

    Foil: 13

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