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  • Paul A. Alexandridis
  • Foil: 17 Panel: 1 Column: 4 Line: 103

    Wall of Honor Level:
    Air and Space Friend

    Honored by:
    Ms. Trudy Weber Alexandridis

    Paul is 14 years old and since the age of 3 he has been fascinated with space science and exploration, through reading, watching documentaries, and visiting numerous museums. Needless to say, trips to the National Air & Space Museum have been frequent and inspirational to him. At age 6, when the ophthalmologist prescribed his first glasses his first response was a very disappointed: does this means I can't become an astronaut? However, he never gave up on learning all he could about the NASA space programs and hopes to make a contribution one day in some capacity, be it as a scientist, an engineer, or a doctor.

    Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

    Foil: 17

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