Robert H. Lilac
Robert H. Lilac

Foil: 10 Panel: F100 Super Sabre Society Column: 3 Line: 11

Wall of Honor Level:
Air and Space Friend

Honored by:

Hometown- Stillwater, New York (small town on Hudson River, location of revolutionary war Battle of Saratoga)

Graduated from Rensselear Polytechnic Institute (RPI) BScEE 1958

U.S. Air Force 1958-1984 (25 plus years). Stationed in Europe, Southeast Asia, and Saudi Arabia.

4000 plus hours flying time in 28 different types of aircraft, primarily in the F-100, F-104, A-10, F5, and A7D.

Two Tours Vietnam - Danang in 1965; Udorn (Thailand) in 1966. He completed 100 missions in the F-104 over North Vietnam.

He graduated from the USAF Aerospace Research Pilots School at Edwards AFB in class 67-B.
Had the unique opportunity to fly the NF-104 rocket-powered F-104 to over 100,000 feet altitude at Edwards Air Force Base, California in 1968. He accepted the first A-7D into the USAF in 1969 and later was the Chief of Test for the F-5E program.

He was the first A-10 (Warthog) Squadron Commander for the 353rd Tactical Fighter Squadron at Myrtle Beach Air Force Base, South Carolina.

Completed Military career in Washington, DC where served in the Pentagon and then as Director of Political Military Affairs in the Reagan White House National Security Council (NSC)in 1982-83..

During a 25-year career in the United States Air Force he was awarded:
- Distinguished Flying Cross
- 8 Air Medals
- Defense Superior Service Medal
- Legion of Merit
- And others

Lived in Washington DC for 20 plus years before moving full time, with his wife Jan, to Palm Desert, California in 2005. Four children and eight grandchildren.

Owned Lilac Associates, an aviation related consulting firm.

Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

Foil: 10

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