Robert H Widmer

Foil: 5 Panel: 1 Column: 3 Line: 90

Wall of Honor Level:
Air and Space Friend

Honored by:

Forty two years service from Consolidated Aircraft to General Dynamics culminating as corporate Vice President Engineering and Science with General Dynamics. Played a key role in the design and development of the B-24, B-32, B-36, B-58, F-111, and the F-16. Fellow AIAA, National Academy of Engineering, Air Force Assoc Field of Science Award (B-36), ASME Spirit of St. Louis Medal (B-58), AIAA Reed Aero Award (B-36 -F-16) and honorary Doctor Of Science TCU ...others!

Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

Foil: 5

Foil Image Coming Soon

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