Foil: 10 Panel: F100 Super Sabre Society Column: 2 Line: 35
Wall of Honor Level:
Air and Space Friend
Honored by:
?»?Robert (Casper) Cass:
Won my WINGS in USAF Flight Training Class of 51-G.
Flew combat in Korea, 49th Fighter Group - 8th Tactical Fighter Squadron. 125 Combat missions in the F-84 in 1953.
Fighter Weapons School (top Gun) instructor in 1959
Selected for the USAF Thunderbird Demonstration team in 1960. Flew Right Wing and was operations officer through 1962 in the F-100C.
Commanded the 497th (Nite Owls) in the 8th Tactical Fighter Wing in 1969; flew 177 Combat missions during the Vietnam Conflict in the F-4.
Commanded the 78th TFS, 81stTFW Bentwaters/
Woodbridge, England.
Commanded the 497th Tactical Fighter Wing at Moody AFB Geogia -- converting the wing from the Training Command mission to Tactical Air Command.
It was my distinct honor over the years, to serve side by side with the dedicated men and women of the United States Air force. These dedicated volunteers are today, as they have done for decades in the past, continuing to guard our freedoms; they are sworn to help preserve our way of life in these great United States of America and they do so with pride and professionalism.
Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.
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