Robert Zarracina
Robert Zarracina

Foil: 62 Panel: 2 Column: 1 Line: 110

Wall of Honor Level:
Air and Space Friend

Honored by:
Patricia Koppa

Robert Zarracina

I fell in love with airplanes shortly after birth. Born in San Diego, my family lived under the approach / departure flight path of Lindberg field. I remembered how I could feel the ground shake and hear the B-36s (aka the flying cigar) before I saw them in the sky. Countless times my grandfather would take me for a ride along Harbor Drive where I would gaze at all the parked B-36s. We also visited the North Island Naval Base, since he was a retired Marine Corp Lt Col, where I would watch military aircraft takeoff and land for hours.

Several decades passed; still haunted by the thought that I would never learn to fly. Just thinking about it made me air sick not to mention the expense. A close friend of mine was taking flying lessons when he invited me to come along with him on a night flight. I could feel myself getting queasy as I sat in the back of the aircraft while Bill and his instructor made final preparations. That turned out to be a fateful night; afterward recalling a life altering joke. The good news is there is baseball in heaven, the bad news is you're pitching tomorrow. I asked myself, if I knew I were pitching tomorrow, is there anything I would regret not having done while I was here on earth. Yes, learning how to fly.

I hadn't talked to Bill for over a month and a half since that night flight and gave him a call. Surprised and glad to hear from me he asked me what's been going on? I said not much except for one thing; I got my private pilot's license. I still don?€™t have a clue how it all came together.

Today with over 2,583 hours of flight time, single engine, multi-engine, instrument and commercial ratings and being checked out in numerous general aviation aircraft, plus a certified part 107 drone pilot, and President of our local radio-controlled flight club, I still look up at the sky whenever I hear an airplane over head. I guess when you love airplanes, some things never change.

Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

Foil: 62

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