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  • R.P. 'Andy' Anderson
  • Foil: 45 Panel: 3 Column: 1 Line: 8

    Wall of Honor Level:
    Air and Space Patron

    Honored by:
    Mr. John D. Rosseloff

    Mr. R. P. "Andy" Anderson died on 26 December 2002 after a sustained and successful battle with a devastating illness.
    He was an aviator who flew more than 40 aircraft types ranging from the C-46 (DC-3) and Helio Courier to the SR-71 and experimental aircraft. He served with Air America during the Vietnam War and was a key player in the evacuation of American personnel and refugees from Saigon. His penchant for life at high speed led him to participate in professional motorcycle road racing. He was among the first to establish an international reputation as a photographer of personal watercraft racing and his business, R.P. Anderson Photography, was devoted to that sport. He was a member of the Air Force Association. Patriot, aviator and photojoumalist, Andy Anderson "cut a wide swath through life."
    He leaves his wife, CAPT Mary A. Anderson, Commanding Officer of the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, NAS Pensacola; his parents, Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson of Pittsburgh, PA; his sisters, Mrs. Richard Van Grove of Cardiff, CA and Ms. Catherine Vogel of Pittsburgh, PA; and his business partner, Ms. Heather Selwitz of Los Angeles, CA.
    Faith Chapel Funeral Home, 100 Beverly Pkwy. is in charge of arrangements. No local services will be held.
    For those who wish to make a memorial contribution in his name, please consider the Aerospace Education Foundation, 1501 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22209,; or, the Wall of Honor at the National Air and Space Museum (Smithsonian^. P.O. Box 23197. Washington. DC 20026,

    Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

    Foil: 45

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