William D. Mol
William D. Mol

Foil: 10 Panel: F100 Super Sabre Society Column: 2 Line: 40

Wall of Honor Level:
Air and Space Friend

Honored by:

Flew 100 combat missions during the Korean War in F-80's with the 36th Fighter Squadron.

Flew 275 combat missions during the Viet Nam War in

F-100's, F-5's, O-1's.

Commanded the 10th Fighter Commando Squadron (f-5's at Bien Hoa

Commanded the 432nd Fighter Wing at Udorn.

"Here's to the boys who fly high in the sky"!

Wall of Honor profiles are provided by the honoree or the donor who added their name to the Wall of Honor. The Museum cannot validate all facts contained in the profiles.

Foil: 10

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