Watch on YouTube

Thirty-five years ago, Top Gun brought the thrill and danger of naval jet aviation to the big screen. The franchise’s expansion to a second installment, Maverick, proves that audiences just can’t get enough of the need for speed. Tune in on YouTube on November 30 at 8 pm ET as we explore the impact of both movies, the evolution of the U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School (aka Top Gun) and naval aviation, and what’s coming next.

Museum curator Mike Hankins will moderate a conversation between Top Gun alumnus (and Museum acting director) Chris Browne; co-founder of the U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School Dan Pedersen; and a recent Top Gun graduate.

This program will be presented live on YouTube with live closed captioning. Sign up to get a reminder.

The GE Aviation Lecture Series is made possible by the generous support of GE Aviation.

Can't wait for the lecture? Check out a recent episode of our AirSpace podcast, exploring how the US military works with filmmakers on movies featuring flying service members, like Top Gun, and how the military leans into their role as supporting players on the silver screen. Listen to Danger Zone.

How to attend
