An immersive, highly interactive exhibition, At Home in Space takes visitors along a 40+ year journey of learning how humans can live and work in space continuously and venture beyond Earth orbit.

At Home in Space presents the challenges and benefits of a permanent human presence in low Earth orbit. The knowledge gained from the Space Shuttle and Space Station programs informs where we go next and what we do there. The ability to launch, construct habitats, and do science and technical experiments changes how we live in space and on Earth. Exploring beyond low Earth orbit requires imagination and ingenuity for the next giant leap for humanity. 

Learn about all the ways we're transforming the Museum

About Our Donors

National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC
A rendering of a museum exhibition that features object related to life in space.

Take a Look Inside the Gallery

Enjoy this artist's rendering depicting what the gallery will look like.

The Museum gratefully acknowledges those who have generously supported this gallery.

Dennis R. Jenkins

Ozmen Foundation at the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada

Girl looking up at astronaut suit model at the National Air and Space Museum.

Museum Transformation

Be the Spark

A major renovation is underway as we reimagine our galleries and presentation spaces in our iconic National Mall building in Washington, DC. Join us as we inspire a new generation of pioneers and explorers.