Imagine air taxis and drone deliveries becoming a regular part of your neighborhood! It's all part of the exciting topic of advanced air mobility.
Advanced air mobility is a new type of transportation that no longer depends on roads or train tracks. It may seem like science fiction, but there are engineers, air safety workers, and other groups like NASA that are currently working on how to transport people and things around your city or town.
Check out the activities below to learn more!
Activity: Make Sensors at Home
Activity: Make a Whirlygig
1. Watch museum educator Ann Caspari describe the steps to make a whirligig.
2. Once you make your whirligig, try making changes to it and see what happens.
- What happens if you fold the wings slightly in opposite directions?
- What happens if you add weight to the body of the whirligig? Try it out with paper clips or more tape.
Story Time Activity: Buzzing Fun with Drones
Materials Needed:
- Boxes, like an empty tissue box, or package
- Piece of flat cardboard for your yard
- Aluminum foil
- Other materials that would help make a box look like your home!
- Scissors
- Tape
Think About It!
If you were to get a package delivered by a drone, where would it land? Draw a circle where a drone can land.
Collection Connection: Amazon Prime Drone
Spotlight Story: Sunita L. Williams, Astronaut for the Starliner spacecraft
Another form of futuristic transportation—space travel for more people. NASA and other companies are working on developing and testing spacecraft that can be used for commercial spaceflight.
Soar Together at Air and Space is made possible by the generous support of Northrop Grumman.