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  • Air & Space Quarterly FAQ
  • Get answers to your questions about the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum's Air and Space Quarterly publication.

    What happened to Air & Space Magazine?

    Air & Space magazine as a commercial publication has been discontinued; in its place, you will receive Air & Space Quarterly, which celebrates human achievements in aerospace and looks toward a future that includes space tourism, pilotless aircraft, and hypersonic passenger flight. This ad-free publication of the National Air and Space Museum is only available to National Air and Space Society members.

    Why did the shift from Air & Space magazine to Air & Space Quarterly take place?

    Previously, Air & Space magazine was published by Smithsonian Enterprises as a commercial publication. By bringing this publication in-house at the National Air and Space Museum as Air & Space Quarterly, we are able to share the expertise of the Museum and the latest in aviation and space with members in this non-commercial publication, ad-free. To ensure we continue to bring the same great air and space stories readers expect, key staff from Air & Space magazine form the core of the Air & Space Quarterly team.

    Air & Space Quarterly is 30 pages shorter than Air & Space magazine. Why is that?

    Unlike Air & Space magazine, Air & Space Quarterly does not contain any commercial ads. This means that all 50 pages of ASQ contain content about aviation, space, and the museum. We believe this is a better experience for our readers, and much of the page reduction is due to the elimination of those pages of commercial ads. Additionally, the magazine is designed and printed on quality paper to be a publication that you keep and revisit for years to come.

    Why is Air & Space Quarterly published only four times a year?

    Given the trends and environment for print publications, and to ensure we could create a sustainable way to continue to produce a quality publication, we have followed the model of many non-profit organizations that have shifted to quarterly publications, such as The Nature Conservancy, The Audubon Society, etc. in order to mitigate printing and mailing costs, while still sharing their mission-related work. We know there will be some subscribers disappointed with the changes, and that is why we did want to make sure there were options for you.

    What happened to my Air & Space Associate membership?

    Your Air & Space Associate membership has transferred to the National Air & Space Society. The remaining dollar value on your Associate membership has been used to determine your new membership level in the Society. Associate members are now full members of the National Air & Space Society, with all the benefits of annual membership through December 31, 2022.

    How was my new National Air and Space Society membership level determined?

    The remaining value left on your Air & Space Associate membership, including the unserved issues of Air & Space magazine, determined the new National Air and Space Society membership level corresponding to the annual dues. Your new National Air and Space Society membership level is equal to or greater than the value of the remainder of your Associate membership. For example, if there was $20 remaining on your Associate membership, that equated to a one year membership at the Wright Flyer level, valued at $35.

    Remaining Dollar Value

    Wright Flyer $0.00 -to- $35.00
    Spirit of St. Louis $35.01 -to- $50.00
    Bell X-1 Glamorous Glennis $50.01 -to- $100.00
    Mercury Friendship 7 $100.01 -to- $250.00
    Apollo 11 Eagle $250.01 -to- $500.00


    What are the benefits of National Air & Space Society membership?

    In addition to Air & Space Quarterly, as a member of the Society at the Wright Flyer level which has annual dues of $35, you will receive the following exclusive benefits:

    • Invitations to the Society's annual Flight Jacket Night lecture, events and exhibition previews
    • Advance notice about Museum programs and lectures
    • Member discount at Smithsonian Museum Stores and IMAX Theaters
    • Stunning wall calendar featuring highlights of the Museum's incomparable collection

    At the Spirit of St. Louis level which has annual dues of $50, you will receive:

    • All preceding benefits plus an exclusive card set of images representing the Museum, its mission and its collections

    At the Bell X-1 Glamorous Glennis level which has annual dues of $100, you will receive:

    • All preceding benefits plus a limited edition National Air and Space Society lapel pin

    At the Mercury Friendship 7 level which has annual dues of $250, you will receive:

    • All preceding benefits plus a personal docent-led tour

    At the Apollo 11 Eagle level which has membership dues of $500, you will receive:

    • All preceding benefits plus an invitation to the annual Flight Jacket Night reception
    Who publishes Air & Space Quarterly?

    The new Air & Space Quarterly publication is created in-house at the National Air and Space Museum for members of the National Air and Space Society.

    I would rather receive Smithsonian magazine instead of Air & Space Quarterly.

    If you would rather receive Smithsonian magazine instead of a Society membership, please write to

    I need to change my address.
  • Membership
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  • Past Issues
  • About
  • About
  • Air & Space Quarterly FAQ
  • Get answers to your questions about the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum's Air and Space Quarterly publication.

    What happened to Air & Space Magazine?

    Air & Space magazine as a commercial publication has been discontinued; in its place, you will receive Air & Space Quarterly, which celebrates human achievements in aerospace and looks toward a future that includes space tourism, pilotless aircraft, and hypersonic passenger flight. This ad-free publication of the National Air and Space Museum is only available to National Air and Space Society members.

    Why did the shift from Air & Space magazine to Air & Space Quarterly take place?

    Previously, Air & Space magazine was published by Smithsonian Enterprises as a commercial publication. By bringing this publication in-house at the National Air and Space Museum as Air & Space Quarterly, we are able to share the expertise of the Museum and the latest in aviation and space with members in this non-commercial publication, ad-free. To ensure we continue to bring the same great air and space stories readers expect, key staff from Air & Space magazine form the core of the Air & Space Quarterly team.

    Air & Space Quarterly is 30 pages shorter than Air & Space magazine. Why is that?

    Unlike Air & Space magazine, Air & Space Quarterly does not contain any commercial ads. This means that all 50 pages of ASQ contain content about aviation, space, and the museum. We believe this is a better experience for our readers, and much of the page reduction is due to the elimination of those pages of commercial ads. Additionally, the magazine is designed and printed on quality paper to be a publication that you keep and revisit for years to come.

    Why is Air & Space Quarterly published only four times a year?

    Given the trends and environment for print publications, and to ensure we could create a sustainable way to continue to produce a quality publication, we have followed the model of many non-profit organizations that have shifted to quarterly publications, such as The Nature Conservancy, The Audubon Society, etc. in order to mitigate printing and mailing costs, while still sharing their mission-related work. We know there will be some subscribers disappointed with the changes, and that is why we did want to make sure there were options for you.

    What happened to my Air & Space Associate membership?

    Your Air & Space Associate membership has transferred to the National Air & Space Society. The remaining dollar value on your Associate membership has been used to determine your new membership level in the Society. Associate members are now full members of the National Air & Space Society, with all the benefits of annual membership through December 31, 2022.

    How was my new National Air and Space Society membership level determined?

    The remaining value left on your Air & Space Associate membership, including the unserved issues of Air & Space magazine, determined the new National Air and Space Society membership level corresponding to the annual dues. Your new National Air and Space Society membership level is equal to or greater than the value of the remainder of your Associate membership. For example, if there was $20 remaining on your Associate membership, that equated to a one year membership at the Wright Flyer level, valued at $35.

    Remaining Dollar Value

    Wright Flyer $0.00 -to- $35.00
    Spirit of St. Louis $35.01 -to- $50.00
    Bell X-1 Glamorous Glennis $50.01 -to- $100.00
    Mercury Friendship 7 $100.01 -to- $250.00
    Apollo 11 Eagle $250.01 -to- $500.00


    What are the benefits of National Air & Space Society membership?

    In addition to Air & Space Quarterly, as a member of the Society at the Wright Flyer level which has annual dues of $35, you will receive the following exclusive benefits:

    • Invitations to the Society's annual Flight Jacket Night lecture, events and exhibition previews
    • Advance notice about Museum programs and lectures
    • Member discount at Smithsonian Museum Stores and IMAX Theaters
    • Stunning wall calendar featuring highlights of the Museum's incomparable collection

    At the Spirit of St. Louis level which has annual dues of $50, you will receive:

    • All preceding benefits plus an exclusive card set of images representing the Museum, its mission and its collections

    At the Bell X-1 Glamorous Glennis level which has annual dues of $100, you will receive:

    • All preceding benefits plus a limited edition National Air and Space Society lapel pin

    At the Mercury Friendship 7 level which has annual dues of $250, you will receive:

    • All preceding benefits plus a personal docent-led tour

    At the Apollo 11 Eagle level which has membership dues of $500, you will receive:

    • All preceding benefits plus an invitation to the annual Flight Jacket Night reception
    Who publishes Air & Space Quarterly?

    The new Air & Space Quarterly publication is created in-house at the National Air and Space Museum for members of the National Air and Space Society.

    I would rather receive Smithsonian magazine instead of Air & Space Quarterly.

    If you would rather receive Smithsonian magazine instead of a Society membership, please write to

    I need to change my address.