Many of your questions may be answered by visiting our FAQ.
When writing your request, please:
- Make your request as specific as possible by listing specific aircraft types, spacecraft types, people, places or dates. Broad subject areas, like "WW1," "WWII," "early airplanes," or "space" do not usually produce good results.
- Describe how you intend to use the material in your request.
- Please limit aircraft-related requests to three models or serial numbers. It is helpful to be as specific as possible, for example, "B-17G" instead of "B-17."
- Please limit requests to one per project at a time.
The Archives Division reference desk answers requests in the order in which they are received. Please allow 2-3 weeks for a reply. Replies are sent via postal mail. For more in-depth topics, we may ask that you plan a visit to the Archives.
If you are interested in donating materials to the Archive, please see our donation FAQ before submitting a donation form.