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Showing 21 - 30 of 151

Air & Space Live Chat: Stealth Presented Online

In this live chat, join STEM in 30 to learn about actual stealth aircraft and the science behind making a sneaky flying machine.

Shhhhh. The Science of Stealth Presented Online Available on March 4, 2021

In this episode join STEM in 30 to learn about actual stealth aircraft and the science behind making a sneaky flying machine.

Air & Space Live Chat: Mars Presented Online -

In this live chat, join the STEM in 30 team and celebrate the February 2021 landing of our latest Mars rover by asking our experts your questions about the mission and its purpose on the Red Planet.

Perseverance: What it Takes to Explore the Red Planet! Presented Online Available starting February 4, 2021

In this episode of STEM in 30 learn about Mars exploration and NASA’s Perseverance rover.

Air & Space Live Chat: National History Day Presented Online

Join STEM in 30 for a live chat focused on National History Day!

Air & Space Live Chat: Astronaut Communication Presented Online -

Join STEM in 30 for a live chat focused on National History Day!

Air & Space Live Chat: Aviation History Presented Online

Join STEM in 30 for a live chat focused on National History Day!

Air and Space Live Chat: Space History Presented Online

Join STEM in 30 for a live chat for National History Day all about space history.

Communication is Key: National History Day 2021 Presented Online Available starting January 7, 2021

Join STEM in 30 to hear firsthand from experts about the history, science, and importance of communication technology and get tips on doing great research from National Air and Space Museum curators.

Air and Space Live Chat: The United States Navy Blue Angels Presented Online

In this live chat, join STEM in 30 and members of the Blue Angels as they answer your questions!