Stories of daring, stories of technological feats, stories of prevailing against the odds ... these are the stories we tell at the National Air and Space Museum. Dive in to the stories below to discover, learn, and be inspired. 

Showing 1751 - 1758 of 1758

April 09, 2009

The Mutual Concerns of Air and Space Museums


Every spring, the National Air and Space Museum hosts a conference for other air and space museums to discuss our "mutual concerns." The conference gathers representatives of over one hundred such museums.

April 07, 2009

Climate Change and Spaceflight: Is There A Connection?

Story | At the Museum

I was struck by the relationship between climate change and spaceflight while rereading lately Jared Diamond’s fascinating 2004 book, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. The broad premise of Diamond’s book is that societies have collapsed many times in the past and that we may understand how and why this occurred.

A daguerreotype image showing a large balloon being inflated.

March 30, 2009

On This Spot ...


The millions of visitors who pass through the doors of the National Air and Space Museum each year come to see the real thing, the actual air and space craft that shaped history – from the world’s first airplane to the back-up hardware for the latest robot spacecraft on its way to explore another world.

A picture of an observatory.

March 29, 2009

International Year of Astronomy Public Observatory Project at The National Air and Space Museum


2009 is the 400th anniversary of Galileo’s use of a telescope to examine the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and the Milky Way. 

Black biplane with gold wings and twin floats for wheels. A number "3" is painted on the fuselage.

March 26, 2009

The Curtiss R3C-2 Racer, 1925


The Curtiss R3C-2 Racer was the world’s fastest airplane in 1925 when it captured the imagination and enthusiasm of the public for aviation. 

Kites of Asia Family Day

March 24, 2009

It's All About You and Kites

Story | At the Museum

Every year, the Smithsonian holds a huge Kite Festival on the National Mall.  The weekend prior to the festival, the National Air and Space Museum has a Kite Family Day where kids and their families can make their own kites, learn how to fly them, and watch indoor kite flying demonstrations. I often search the web to find out what visitors are filming, photographing, blogging and tweeting about the Museum.  I found lots of images and videos of the outdoor Kite Festival, but one of our educators found this great YouTube video which captures the fun of the indoor Kite Family Day in 2008.

March 24, 2009

Veterans Reunited


The Korean War is often called the Forgotten War. Recently, one veteran had the opportunity to shed light on a remarkable aspect of one of the most challenging American conflicts of the twentieth century.

Four people stand on the wings of a gray military aircraft with twin engines.

March 19, 2009

Winged Wonders

Story | From the Archives

"People Standing on Wings" is probably one of the more obscure genres of aviation photography found in the Museum's Archives Division files. Originally, men and women stood on aircraft wings to demonstrate the strength of the wing and struts.