In 1977, Star Wars: A New Hope, the first installment on George Lucas’s famous Star Wars film series, became one of the biggest box office hits of all time.
Star Wars takes place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. “Star Wars introduced generations of fans here on Earth to outer space as a setting for adventure and exploration,” explained curator Margaret Weitekamp. Star Wars revived the marketplace for space science fiction as a genre in the 1970s, interest that continues today.
The original film trilogy follows an unlikely group of unforgettable characters—a farm boy, a senator/Princess, a smuggler, and an alien Jedi knight that use a special energy called "the Force"—to fight the evil Empire lead by Darth Vader.
Star Wars may have been about taking down one empire, but it sparked another dynasty—one of shows, movies, books, and more. Additional film trilogies, stand alone feature films, a variety of TV shows, and books explore other elements of the large and varied Star Wars universe, all set in the far away galaxy.