Podcast Episodes
  • Podcast Episodes
  • AeroEspacial
  • AeroEspacial
  • QueerSpace
  • QueerSpace
  • Under Ancient Skies
  • Under Ancient Skies
  • Voyage to Mars
  • Voyage to Mars
  • We see the connections to aviation and space in literally everything. From our favorite movies and the songs in our playlists to the latest news of space exploration and your commercial flight home for the holidays – aerospace is literally everywhere you look. Twice a month our hosts riff on some of the coolest stories of aviation and space history, news, and culture. We promise, whether you’re an AVGeek, wannabe Space Camper, or none of the above, you’ll find not only a connection to your life but you’ll learn something interesting in the process.

    Listen wherever you get your podcasts.

    Showing 121 - 124 of 124

    Story AirSpace Ep. 4:
    Remembering Stephen Hawking
    Posted on Apr 09, 2018

    Professor Stephen Hawking died on March 14 at the age of 76. Hawking's contributions to science centered on his search for a unified theory of the universe, but his impact spanned far beyond the scientific community. 

    Topics: Spaceflight People Science
    Story AirSpace Ep.3:
    Bailing Out
    Posted on Mar 08, 2018

    "Eject, eject, eject!" Most of us are experienced at bailing out of social situations, but what about airplanes? Fewer than 1 percent of military pilots ever pull the eject handle, but they all know what comes next. The canopy blows, and the pilot is (literally!) rocketed up and out. Now what?

    Topics: Aviation Aircraft Military aviation
    Story AirSpace Ep.2:
    The Right Stuff Right Now
    Posted on Feb 08, 2018

    The criteria to become an astronaut has evolved over the years, but it’s still one of the toughest jobs to land. 18,000 people applied to be a part of NASA’s most recent astronaut class and only 12 were selected. In this episode, we’ll explore how the right stuff has changed with the times and get a taste of what candidates go through to make the cut. 

    Topics: Spaceflight Human spaceflight Science
    Story AirSpace Ep.1:
    Mars Time
    Posted on Jan 11, 2017

    It's 5 o'clock somewhere on Mars!

    No human has ever set foot on Mars, but scientists have been working there for years. A day on the red planet is about 40 minutes longer than here on Earth, which wreaks havoc on your workweek.

    Topics: Spaceflight Solar System
    Podcast Episodes
  • Podcast Episodes
  • AeroEspacial
  • AeroEspacial
  • QueerSpace
  • QueerSpace
  • Under Ancient Skies
  • Under Ancient Skies
  • Voyage to Mars
  • Voyage to Mars
  • We see the connections to aviation and space in literally everything. From our favorite movies and the songs in our playlists to the latest news of space exploration and your commercial flight home for the holidays – aerospace is literally everywhere you look. Twice a month our hosts riff on some of the coolest stories of aviation and space history, news, and culture. We promise, whether you’re an AVGeek, wannabe Space Camper, or none of the above, you’ll find not only a connection to your life but you’ll learn something interesting in the process.

    Listen wherever you get your podcasts.

    Showing 121 - 124 of 124

    Story AirSpace Ep. 4:
    Remembering Stephen Hawking
    Posted on Apr 09, 2018

    Professor Stephen Hawking died on March 14 at the age of 76. Hawking's contributions to science centered on his search for a unified theory of the universe, but his impact spanned far beyond the scientific community. 

    Topics: Spaceflight People Science
    Story AirSpace Ep.3:
    Bailing Out
    Posted on Mar 08, 2018

    "Eject, eject, eject!" Most of us are experienced at bailing out of social situations, but what about airplanes? Fewer than 1 percent of military pilots ever pull the eject handle, but they all know what comes next. The canopy blows, and the pilot is (literally!) rocketed up and out. Now what?

    Topics: Aviation Aircraft Military aviation
    Story AirSpace Ep.2:
    The Right Stuff Right Now
    Posted on Feb 08, 2018

    The criteria to become an astronaut has evolved over the years, but it’s still one of the toughest jobs to land. 18,000 people applied to be a part of NASA’s most recent astronaut class and only 12 were selected. In this episode, we’ll explore how the right stuff has changed with the times and get a taste of what candidates go through to make the cut. 

    Topics: Spaceflight Human spaceflight Science
    Story AirSpace Ep.1:
    Mars Time
    Posted on Jan 11, 2017

    It's 5 o'clock somewhere on Mars!

    No human has ever set foot on Mars, but scientists have been working there for years. A day on the red planet is about 40 minutes longer than here on Earth, which wreaks havoc on your workweek.

    Topics: Spaceflight Solar System