Podcast Episodes
  • Podcast Episodes
  • AeroEspacial
  • AeroEspacial
  • QueerSpace
  • QueerSpace
  • Under Ancient Skies
  • Under Ancient Skies
  • Voyage to Mars
  • Voyage to Mars
  • We see the connections to aviation and space in literally everything. From our favorite movies and the songs in our playlists to the latest news of space exploration and your commercial flight home for the holidays – aerospace is literally everywhere you look. Twice a month our hosts riff on some of the coolest stories of aviation and space history, news, and culture. We promise, whether you’re an AVGeek, wannabe Space Camper, or none of the above, you’ll find not only a connection to your life but you’ll learn something interesting in the process.

    Listen wherever you get your podcasts.

    Showing 71 - 80 of 126

    Story AirSpace Season 4, Ep. 4: Supermassive Black Hole Posted on Mar 25, 2021

    Today we’re tackling something we’ve wanted to talk about for a long time (which is relative, because time and space lose all meaning there). They’re incredibly dense, super cool, and mind-bendingly-mysterious -- BLACK HOLES! But how do you imagine – let alone study—the unseeable? And seriously—what happened at the end of “Interstellar?”

    Topics: Spaceflight Astronomy Science
    Story AirSpace Season 4, Ep. 3: Water Me Posted on Mar 11, 2021

    It seems like every time there’s big news from outer space, it’s that we found water some place—as traces of ice or wisps of vapor, embedded in rocks or bound up in dry-as-dirt-regolith. Today, Matt, Nick, and Emily explore how we search for wet spots in the solar system, what they can tell us about our home planet, and why they’re the key to making our way in the universe.

    Topics: Spaceflight Science Solar System
    Story AirSpace Season 4, Ep. 2: Nicotine Stain Posted on Feb 25, 2021

    It took decades of research, lobbying, and litigation to prove the dangers of secondhand smoke, and a lot of that work happened at cruising altitude. In this episode, we’ll hear how flight attendants were instrumental in the fight to get smoking OUT of the skies, and how the lawsuit they brought against the tobacco companies had huge ripple effects in the smoke-free public places we enjoy today.

    Topics: Aviation Commercial aviation Society and Culture
    Story AirSpace Season 4, Ep. 1
    Cool It Now
    Posted on Feb 11, 2021

    Right now COVID-19 vaccines are traveling across the country and around the world – and air travel is a critical component of this supply chain. On today’s episode we’re breaking down the history of the cold chain and how air safety plays a part (particularly with all that dry ice).

    Topics: Aviation Commercial aviation General aviation Science Physical science
    Story Bonus! AirSpace Presents NOVA Now Posted on Jan 14, 2021

    Satellites from NASA and private companies are making headlines. What’s their history and how might their future affect space and life here on Earth?

    Topics: Spaceflight Astronomy Technology and Engineering Satellites Navigation
    Story AirSpace Season 3|Ep.12
    Never Surrender
    Posted on Dec 24, 2020

    It’s safe to say that the AirSpace pod loves Galaxy Quest, but doesn’t everyone!? It has it all: sci-fi, action, and comedy, an underdog who saves the day, and feel good story with space aliens! For the Trekkies among us, it’s an unswerving love letter to the importance of fans in any successful franchise. In the final episode of season 3, Emily, Matt, and Nick discuss why this is the movie to watch with your family this holiday season.

    Topics: Society and Culture Science fiction
    Story AirSpace Season 3|Ep.11
    Blinded by the Light
    Posted on Dec 10, 2020

    Most of us live in places that give us a less than ideal view of the stars because of light pollution from our cities and suburbs. But keeping our skies dark is important for so many reasons – for nocturnal animals, for science and astronomy, and for cultural traditions around the world.

    Topics: Astronomy Stars Society and Culture Technology and Engineering Navigation
    Story AirSpace Season 3|Ep.10
    Station to Station
    Posted on Nov 26, 2020

    We all need a little self-care these days, so in honor of the ISS's 20th anniversary, we’ll tell you about what astronaut life is like when they aren’t doing the extraordinary science, essential maintenance, and extraterrestrial chores necessary to sustain our home in space.

    Topics: Spaceflight Human spaceflight Space stations People
    Story AirSpace Season 3|Ep.9
    Fly Girl
    Posted on Nov 12, 2020

    On this episode of AirSpace we’re spotlighting the heroic service and enduring legacy of the Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASP. More than 1000 of these fearless women flew as civilians for the Army Air Forces during World War II. And we’ll hear firsthand from three women connected to the WASP legacy, including a WASP herself, Nell “Mickey” Bright.

    Topics: Aviation People Women War and Conflict World War II
    Story AirSpace Season 3|Ep.8
    Open the Gate
    Posted on Oct 22, 2020

    We’re all fans of something—movies, tv shows, video games, comic books, sports teams, you name it!—and that can help us connect with new people with shared interests and frames of reference. In this episode, we’re talking about how and why fan communities form, and what happens when the barrier to entry turns toxic and targeted.

    Topics: People African American or Black people Society and Culture
    Podcast Episodes
  • Podcast Episodes
  • AeroEspacial
  • AeroEspacial
  • QueerSpace
  • QueerSpace
  • Under Ancient Skies
  • Under Ancient Skies
  • Voyage to Mars
  • Voyage to Mars
  • We see the connections to aviation and space in literally everything. From our favorite movies and the songs in our playlists to the latest news of space exploration and your commercial flight home for the holidays – aerospace is literally everywhere you look. Twice a month our hosts riff on some of the coolest stories of aviation and space history, news, and culture. We promise, whether you’re an AVGeek, wannabe Space Camper, or none of the above, you’ll find not only a connection to your life but you’ll learn something interesting in the process.

    Listen wherever you get your podcasts.

    Showing 71 - 80 of 126

    Story AirSpace Season 4, Ep. 4: Supermassive Black Hole Posted on Mar 25, 2021

    Today we’re tackling something we’ve wanted to talk about for a long time (which is relative, because time and space lose all meaning there). They’re incredibly dense, super cool, and mind-bendingly-mysterious -- BLACK HOLES! But how do you imagine – let alone study—the unseeable? And seriously—what happened at the end of “Interstellar?”

    Topics: Spaceflight Astronomy Science
    Story AirSpace Season 4, Ep. 3: Water Me Posted on Mar 11, 2021

    It seems like every time there’s big news from outer space, it’s that we found water some place—as traces of ice or wisps of vapor, embedded in rocks or bound up in dry-as-dirt-regolith. Today, Matt, Nick, and Emily explore how we search for wet spots in the solar system, what they can tell us about our home planet, and why they’re the key to making our way in the universe.

    Topics: Spaceflight Science Solar System
    Story AirSpace Season 4, Ep. 2: Nicotine Stain Posted on Feb 25, 2021

    It took decades of research, lobbying, and litigation to prove the dangers of secondhand smoke, and a lot of that work happened at cruising altitude. In this episode, we’ll hear how flight attendants were instrumental in the fight to get smoking OUT of the skies, and how the lawsuit they brought against the tobacco companies had huge ripple effects in the smoke-free public places we enjoy today.

    Topics: Aviation Commercial aviation Society and Culture
    Story AirSpace Season 4, Ep. 1
    Cool It Now
    Posted on Feb 11, 2021

    Right now COVID-19 vaccines are traveling across the country and around the world – and air travel is a critical component of this supply chain. On today’s episode we’re breaking down the history of the cold chain and how air safety plays a part (particularly with all that dry ice).

    Topics: Aviation Commercial aviation General aviation Science Physical science
    Story Bonus! AirSpace Presents NOVA Now Posted on Jan 14, 2021

    Satellites from NASA and private companies are making headlines. What’s their history and how might their future affect space and life here on Earth?

    Topics: Spaceflight Astronomy Technology and Engineering Satellites Navigation
    Story AirSpace Season 3|Ep.12
    Never Surrender
    Posted on Dec 24, 2020

    It’s safe to say that the AirSpace pod loves Galaxy Quest, but doesn’t everyone!? It has it all: sci-fi, action, and comedy, an underdog who saves the day, and feel good story with space aliens! For the Trekkies among us, it’s an unswerving love letter to the importance of fans in any successful franchise. In the final episode of season 3, Emily, Matt, and Nick discuss why this is the movie to watch with your family this holiday season.

    Topics: Society and Culture Science fiction
    Story AirSpace Season 3|Ep.11
    Blinded by the Light
    Posted on Dec 10, 2020

    Most of us live in places that give us a less than ideal view of the stars because of light pollution from our cities and suburbs. But keeping our skies dark is important for so many reasons – for nocturnal animals, for science and astronomy, and for cultural traditions around the world.

    Topics: Astronomy Stars Society and Culture Technology and Engineering Navigation
    Story AirSpace Season 3|Ep.10
    Station to Station
    Posted on Nov 26, 2020

    We all need a little self-care these days, so in honor of the ISS's 20th anniversary, we’ll tell you about what astronaut life is like when they aren’t doing the extraordinary science, essential maintenance, and extraterrestrial chores necessary to sustain our home in space.

    Topics: Spaceflight Human spaceflight Space stations People
    Story AirSpace Season 3|Ep.9
    Fly Girl
    Posted on Nov 12, 2020

    On this episode of AirSpace we’re spotlighting the heroic service and enduring legacy of the Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASP. More than 1000 of these fearless women flew as civilians for the Army Air Forces during World War II. And we’ll hear firsthand from three women connected to the WASP legacy, including a WASP herself, Nell “Mickey” Bright.

    Topics: Aviation People Women War and Conflict World War II
    Story AirSpace Season 3|Ep.8
    Open the Gate
    Posted on Oct 22, 2020

    We’re all fans of something—movies, tv shows, video games, comic books, sports teams, you name it!—and that can help us connect with new people with shared interests and frames of reference. In this episode, we’re talking about how and why fan communities form, and what happens when the barrier to entry turns toxic and targeted.

    Topics: People African American or Black people Society and Culture